uniben kofa login page, how to login to uniben kofa by Tiamiyu Abdulbazeet Olawale
Are you an aspirant of the University of Benin UNIBEN? Are you a student at Uniben or you just want to know what Uniben Kofa means!
Here are some questions that Students of Uniben or aspirants of Uniben would like to have answers to; What is the essence of uniben Kofa page? Do you want to know how to login to your Uniben Kofa account? And others! So stay with me as I explain everything you need to know.
If you are among the people asking those questions up there, then permit me to tell you that you are going to find answers to them today! Without wasting much time, let’s dive in!
I will advise you not to skip a part of this post as every single part is essential for you to know especially if you are an aspirant of the University of Benin UNIBEN! So stay with me and read through!
The University of Benin Uniben Kofa is a student management system used at universities. It can also be used to apply online, check results online, and monitor the status of potential students. These processes can be learned by prospective pupils.
The West African eUniversity Project includes the UNIBEN Kofa page (WAeUP). It is a sophisticated and comprehensive Student Management System that will serve as all University of Benin students’ single point of access to educational materials and information.
Uniben Kofa manages the application and registration processes for students, as well as providing detailed and open information on their progress.
The Authority of the University of Benin, UNIBEN has enabled the student portal. The Online Portal is created for formal and prospective students of the University to create an account or log in to perform certain academic actions at ease e.g. you can register course, School Fees Payment, Check your Post UTME Result, Check semester results, View Admission List/Status, Acceptance Fees Payment Details, Transcript, View Academic Calendar, Extra Credit Hours, Deferment of Admission and so much more.
Now That you have understand what UNIBEN Kofa is, let’s move to how to Login to the page.
UNIBEN Kofa Page Login
Follow the link below to login in to Uniben Kofa page;
- Visit https://uniben.waeup.org/ to see the UNIBEN Kofa page.
How do I access my Uniben Kofa account?
Follow the link below to check your Page:
- Visit www.uniben.edu for further information.
- Select WAEUP PORTAL from the Student Portal drop-down menu.
Below are the University of Benin UNIBEN students portal;
- UNBEN Student Portal: https://waeup.uniben.edu/login
- UNIBEN Main Website: https://www.uniben.edu/
- UNIBEN registrar email address: registrar@uniben.edu
University of Benin Address
- PMB, 1090, Ugbowo, Benin City, Nigeria.
- info@uniben.edu
- pro@uniben.edu
- Lists of universities in Nigeria
- Uniben Cut-off mark for 2021/2022 screening exercise
- Uniben school fees for freshers and returning students for 2021/2022 Academic session
- Uniben lists of courses offered
What Does UNIBEN Kofa Mean When It Says “Submitted”?
After you submit your information on UNIBEN Kofa, you will receive an email stating that your information was successfully sent and received by the website administrator.
University of Benin UNIBEN Portal WWW.UNIBEN.EDU – Official website of the University of Benin
Like I made mentioned of it under University of Benin UNIBEN students portal up there, Note that this is not the only site for University Of Benin, but it is the most essential one that I believe you should be aware of.
Did you forgot your UNIBEN KOFA password? Well, it is normal! We are human after all and human tends to forget things! That is how we are created! So, worry not, there is always a solution to any problem! Click the link below and follow the simple steps to reset your password!
See simple steps on how to change your Uniben Kofa Password!
How To Register Course On UNIBEN Kofa
Please follow the procedures below to register for a course through the institution’s portal:
- Go to www.uniben.edu to learn more.
- Navigate to the Student Portal and click on it.
- Use your username and password to log in.
- Navigate to the course registration tab and click it.
- Select and register for courses using the tabs.
How do I update my UNIBEN KOFA page
Follow the steps below to update your Uniben Kofa page;
- Sign your signature on white blank sheet using black pen.
- Log into your Kofa record.
- Click upload signature button.
- Upload scanned copy of your signature.
- Update your personal data page especially with your permanent address and next of kin info.
How to Check My UNIBEN Post-UTME Score
Follow the three steps outlined below to determine your post-UTME score;
- Go to https://uniben.waeup.org/login to verify your UNIBEN post-UTME result.
- If prompted, enter your Username/ID and password.
- Finally, to get your results, click on login.
How To Pay School Fees On UNIBEN Portal | Uniben Kofa
Please follow the steps below to pay school fees online using the institution portal:
- Go to www.uniben.edu to learn more.
- Navigate to the Student Portal and click on it.
- Use your username and password to log in.
- Navigate to the upper right-hand side of the web page and click on Pay Your Fees.
- Navigate to the Tuition Fee and click on it.
- Select “Add Selected Item to My Fee List” from the drop-down menu.
- Select “Confirm Payment” from the drop-down menu.
- Click on both the SWPayment and the Pay Now buttons.
- An alert window will appear; simply click OK to dismiss it.
- Input your ATM Card information on the InterSwitch Payment platform (Verve or MasterCard).
- You will receive a payment notification after you click on proceed to make payment.
With this post, I am confident I have answered all your questions to the utmost satisfaction but if by any chance you still have any question, kindly drop it in the comment section and I will try my possible best to reply to it as soon as possible!
If you have any suggestion regarding this post Uniben kofa page, kindly use the comment box.
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USA Uni. Acceptance Rate
- Northeastern Acceptance Rate
- MIT Acceptance Rate
- Boston University Acceptance Rate
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- NYU Acceptance Rate
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- UC Los Angeles Acceptance Rate
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- Rutgers University Acceptance Rate
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- Columbia University Acceptance Rate
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- UC Berkeley Acceptance Rate
Please help,on trying to add my course online during course Registration,the courses got deleted and there was no virtual course to register
I have registered online for a special engineering online registration
What should I do concerning Kofa registration??🙏
Pls is Uniben’s Post UTME 2023 form out. I have checked the kofa page but no information
My Kofa page is still on submitted and I have gained admission on JAMB caps.What is the way forward please?