Are you a prospective Corp member and you are looking for the NYSC Anthem Lyrics so as to start practicing? Do you want to know the Lyrics to the NYSC Anthem which you have been reciting wrongly since? Are you going for an interview and you think they might ask you to recite the NYSC Anthem? Or you just want to know the NYSC Anthem? If you fall into any of the categories mentioned above, then this post is for you!
Here, you will see the NYSC Anthem Lyrics and today will be the day you stop reciting it wrongly! We all say a few words incorrectly when it comes to reciting anthems or even when singing songs but the day you read the lyrics, it ends!
What you stand to gain after reading this post very carefully;
- NYSC Anthem Lyrics
- Thing you must do after NYSC Orientation Camp
- Advantages of NYSC
- Some things that are required of you at the camp
- You get to know what PPA means and other!
So, try and read this post all through!
NYSC Anthem Lyrics
Below is the NYSC Anthem Lyrics;
Youth obey the clarion call
Let us lift our nation high
Under the sun or in the rain
With dedication and selflessness
Nigeria is ours, Nigeria we serve.
Members, take the great salute
Put the nation first in all
With service and humility
NYSC for the noble youths
Make Nigeria a great nation.
Far and near we come to serve
And to build our fatherland
With oneness and loyalty
NYSC for unity
Hail Nigeria, our great nation.
Youth obey the clarion call
Let us lift our nation high
Under the sun or in the rain
With dedication and selflessness
Nigeria is ours, Nigeria we serve.
What Next After NYSC Camp?
A lot of people (Corp members, undergraduates and even people who are neither Corp member or undergraduate) are asking this particular question!
See full list of Addresses of NYSC Orientation Camps in Nigeria
Here today, I will give you three things that are the next things to do after NYSC camp!
After the NYSC Orientation camp for 21days (three weeks), your platoon officer will give you your posting letter. Your posting letter will tell you where you are going to carry out your national assignment!
NYSC Anthem Lyrics
After the NYSC orientation camp, some people will travel back to their homes, some to their places of primary assignment and some will just be stranded.
I will advise you not to travel immediately after NYSC camp unless you have been relocated to another state.
Here are the things to do and next steps to take after NYSC orientation camp:
1. Report to your PPA
What is PPA?
PPA is an acronym for Place of Primary Assignment. It is where you are assigned to carry out your national service.
So, the first thing to do after NYSC camp is to go to your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) but if you get relocated while in camp, then go to the NYSC state secretariat in the new state to relocate you for documentation.
See Top 10 best NYSC Orientation Camp in Nigeria
However, if you can’t meet up to report to your PPA, you can lodge in corpers’ lodge or any religious body corpers lodge, and report the following day in the morning.
Remember to collect your posting letter as you will report to your PPA with it! Without it, you can’t do anything!
NYSC Anthem Lyrics
Your PPA may accept or reject you! It will be written on the detachable part of the letter if they accept or reject you and from there you will take the document the employer gives you to your Local Government Inspector (LGI) for documentation. LGI Contact will be written on your posting letter.
Hope you understand?
Always have an extra copy of any document with you! Make one photocopy of your posting letter before taking it to your PPA.
2. Report to your LGI Office
I have mentioned this in number 1 up there! After reporting to your PPA, no matter what the decision of the employer is, you must take the letter back to your LGI for necessary documentation! Like I said, the employer may decide to accept or reject you, either way you must report to your Local Government Inspector LGI as well!
You can also submit the letter to the NYSC zonal office as well, it depends on the distance you are to cover the two places. It is advisable to submit it to where it is close to you! Well, it all depends on your choice!
If you are rejected at your PPA, it is either your LGI or Zonal inspector repost you to another PPA or you find a place yourself!
Please, if you are rejected at your PPA, do not do the next step until you find another PPA!
3. Enjoy your 2-weeks leave
After completing step 1 & 2 up there, you can now travel to meet your family for the two weeks leave given to corps members after Camp.
Also, you may decide not to travel back home. It is all your choice! Two weeks you’ve got!
Also, you will have to write and submit a leave application letter to the NYSC state coordinator through your LGI. Always do this when you have something to do out of your PPA state. It is very essential that your Supervisor knows.
See Top 10 worst NYSC Orientation Camp in Nigeria
Frequently Asked Questions about NYSC
What are the advantages of NYSC?
To foster national unity and integration among Nigerian youngsters through the development of common bonds.
To encourage Nigerian youngsters to build self-employment skills in order to foster a sense of self-reliance. Contribute to the acceleration of the national economy’s growth.
Is makeup allowed in NYSC camp?
Yes, but owing to camp activities, you may not have time for it. SAED (Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurial Development) is a program at camp where numerous skills, including makeup, are taught. So, you can wear makeup, but you might not have time to do so.
Is Medical Certificate required in NYSC Camp?
Yes. The NYSC Management made it a prerequisite for NYSC Camp Courses following the casualties recorded in NYSC Camps in 2016.
What are the possible places of primary assignment in the NYSC scheme?
Schools (Primary, Secondary, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics, Universities), Hospital, clinic, Government Ministries and Parastatals, Private companies/firms excluding oil companies, shipping companies and banks except on special cases.
What are the roles of paramilitary graduates in NYSC Camp?
There are no specific responsibilities for paramilitary graduates in NYSC Orientation Camp, however they can volunteer to command Parade or Color Party.
- NYSC Portal Login Dashboard
- How to make corrections on NYSC Portal
- How to register for NYSC
- Do Law students go for NYSC
- How to print NYSC Call-up Letter
- NYSC Orientation Camp Requirements
- NYSC Camps Addresses
- NYSC Senate List
- Top 10 best NYSC Orientation Camp in Nigeria
- NYSC Anthem Lyrics
- Top 10 Worst NYSC Orientation Camp in Nigeria
With this post, I am confident I have answered your question (s) but if by any chance you still have any question, kindly drop it in the comment section below and I will try to reply as soon as possible!
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NYSC Anthem Lyrics NYSC Anthem Lyrics
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