The Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) school fees | FUTA school fees for freshers | FUTA school fees for returning students | FUTA hostel accommodation fee | FUTA acceptance fee for freshers | FUTA school fees for the 2024/2025 academic session

Have you ever wondered or inquired about the fees charged by the Federal University of Technology in Akure? If you answered yes, you’ll be pleased to learn that the FUTA School Fees are broken down here on this site.
The school fees at the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) are determined by the programs you enroll in.
Obviously, a lot of things come to mind for applicants of any institution for any academic year, and there are many criteria you must examine before even selecting your desired university.
Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) School Fees 2024/2025
The Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) is currently one of Nigeria’s cheapest universities in terms of tuition/ school fees. In fact, the institution is currently among the cheapest in the country, and it does not appear that it will be moving out of that category anytime soon. The institution has a long history of supporting education throughout the western half of the country, regardless of financial circumstances.
Even though the school does not rank among the top three finest universities in the country, one cannot deny the school’s high academic standards and educational excellence.
FUTA is still one of the most popular universities in the country, particularly among students interested in physical sciences, environmental sciences, and technology. In fact, the School of Engineering is currently ranked among the best in Africa. With so much being written about this university, it’s important to look at the tuition/ school fees that students pay.
FUTA school fees for freshers and returning students for the 2024/2025 academic session
Therefore, if you are among those that have been searching for [FUTA School Fees for medical students 2024/2025, FUTA School Fees 2024/2025 deadline, FUTA School Fees for Law 2024/2025, FUTA Hostel Fees 2024/2025, FUTA accommodation fees 2024/2025, FUTA hostel fees for freshers 2024/2025, FUTA postgraduate school fees 2024/2025, FUTA School Fees For Freshers 2024/2025 | FUTA Admission Guide], then you are not alone.
FUTA school fees for freshers and returning students for the 2024/2025 academic session
FUTA school fees for freshers 2024/2025
- Online Registration (First and Second Semesters) – 1,000.00
- Deed of Undertaking – 500.00
- Laboratory Charges – 2,250.00
- Examination Charges -1,000.00
- Electronic Charges – 1,000.00
- Certificate Verification – 2,000.00
- Caution Fee (Refundable)-2,500.00
- Identity Card (for 2 Sessions)-2,000.00
- Students Handbook (Revised Edition) – 500.00
- Sports Services – 750.00
- Medical Examination – 1,500.00
- Endowment Fund – 1,000.00
- Medical (TISHIP) – 1,600.00
- Matriculation Charges – 1,000.00
- Library Charges – 500.00
- University Calendar – 1,500.00
- ICT Development – 2,000.00
- School Dues – 500.00
- Municipal Charges – 1,000.00
- Students Welfare Insurance Scheme – 400.00
- Students Union Fee – 600.00
- Development Levy (Fresh Students only) – 25,000.00
- Facility Ethics and Student Conduct Manual – 500.00
- Laboratory Coat – 1,500.00
- Total – 52,100.00
Futa school fees for 200 level 2024/2025
- Online Registration (First and Second Semesters) – 1,000.00
- Laboratory Charges – 2,250.00
- Examination Charges – 1,000.00
- Identity Card (for 2 Sessions) – 2,000.00
- Sports Services – 750.00
- Endowment Fund – 1,000.00
- Medical (TISHIP) – 1,600.00
- Library Charges – 500.00
- ICT Development – 2,000.00
- School Dues – 500.00
- Municipal Charges – 1,000.00
- Students Welfare Insurance Scheme – 400.00
- Students Union Fee – 400.00
- Total – 14,400.00
Futa school fees for 300 Level 2024/2025
- Online Registration (First and Second Semesters) – 1,000.00
- Laboratory Charges – 2,250.00
- Examination Charges – 1,000.00
- Identity Card (for 2 Sessions) – 2,000.00
- Sports Services – 750.00
- Endowment Fund – 1,000.00
- Medical (TISHIP) – 1,600.00
- Library Charges – 500.00
- ICT Development – 2,000.00
- School Dues – 500.00
- Municipal Charges – 1,000.00
- Students Welfare Insurance Scheme – 400.00
- Students Union Fee – 400.00
- Entrepreneurship – 4,500.00
- Total – 18,900.00
Futa school fees for 400 level 2024/2025
- Online Registration (First and Second Semesters) – 1,000.00
- Laboratory Charges – 2,250.00
- Examination Charges – 1,000.00
- Identity Card (for 2 Sessions) – 2,000.00
- Sports Services – 750.00
- Endowment Fund – 1,000.00
- Medical (TISHIP) – 1,600.00
- Library Charges – 500.00
- Industrial Training – 1,700.00
- ICT Development – 2,000.00
- School Dues – 500.00
- Municipal Charges – 1,000.00
- Students Welfare Insurance Scheme – 400.00
- Students Union Fee – 400.00
- Total – 16,100.00
Futa school fees for 500 level 2024/2025
- Online Registration (First and Second Semesters) – 1,000.00
- Laboratory Charges – 2,250.00
- Examination Charges – 1,000.00
- Identity Card (for 2 Sessions) – 2,000.00
- Sports Services – 750.00
- Endowment Fund – 1,000.00
- Medical (TISHIP) – 1,600.00
- Library Charges – 500.00
- ICT Development – 2,000.00
- School Dues – 500.00
- Municipal Charges – 1,000.00
- Students Welfare Insurance Scheme – 400.00
- Students Union Fee – 400.00
- Total – 14,400.00
Note: Students should note that payment for professional accreditation and field trips will be applied where necessary.
How To Pay FUTA Acceptance Fee 2022/2023
This is for the Freshers! It is compulsory for all the new students of FUTA to pay a certain amount of money for the acceptance fee. Of course, it is not only FUTA but all other school as well demand payment for the acceptance fees.
Acceptance fee is the payment made by the Freshers to show that they have accepted the admission they were offered. Please note that failure to pay this fee during the time allocated for the payment will result in losing the admission.
FUTA acceptance fee is a sum of forty thousand nairas (#40,000.00)
So, how do you pay the acceptance fee?
- The first thing to do is to Visit the school portal which is
- Then chose PROSPECTIVE under the student link
- After the above Login with your application ID and password and
- Chose Acceptance Fee, now you should see the amount
- Click submit button
- Click on Pay online
- Fill in your correct ATM card details in the space provided for it
- Print out all necessary documents.
FUTA Hostel Accommodation fees 2024/2025
FUTA Hostel Accommodation fees (Old hostel)
- Bed Space – 90.00
- Students Hostel Maintenance – 8,000.00
- Total – 8,090.00
FUTA Hostel Accommodation fees (New hostel 1)
- Bed Space – 90.00
- Students Hostel Maintenance – 18,000.00
- Total – 18,090.00
FUTA Hostel Accommodation fees (New hostel 2)
- Bed Space – 90.00
- Students Hostel Maintenance – 59,000.00
- Total – 59,090.00
FUTA Hostel Accommodation fees (Bisi Balogun postgraduate hall (male only))
- Bed Space – 90.00
- Students Hostel Maintenance – 75,000.00
- Total – 75,090.00
How to Pay FUTA Hostel Fee 2024/2025
After paying the school fees, here is how to pay for the school hostel fees on the FUTA portal;
- The first thing to do is to go to the FUTA portal
- Then click on the sign-in button to enter your jamb registration number as your username
- You have to click on hostel allocation
- After the above, you have to click on apply for bed space
Please note that the above information is for hostel accommodation inside the school campus.
Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) postgraduate school fees 2024/2025
FUTA PG School Fees 2024/2025: The school authorities of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) have published the amount payable as school fees by the newly admitted and returning postgraduate students for the 2024/2025 academic session.
This is to inform the general public, especially the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) prospective postgraduate Students to check the amount payable as School Fees for the 2024/2025 academic session. The Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) was founded in 1981 under a drive by the government of Nigeria to create universities that specialize in producing graduates with practical as well as theoretical knowledge of technologies.
Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) postgraduate school fees 2024/2025
It is located in Akure, the capital city of Ondo State. Check out the FUTA Postgraduate School Fees Schedule for the 2024/2025 academic session recently released by the school management of the Federal University of Technology, Akure For All New And Returning Students.
FUTA Postgraduate PG School Fees 2024/2025 Schedule For New and Returning
The Federal University Of Technology, Akure (FUTA) Postgraduate School Fees Schedule For The Current Academic Session Is Detailed Below.
The first semester FUTA postgraduate school fees range from N110,000 to N150,000, while the second and third semester FUTA postgraduate tuition/ school fees are around N90,000 and N50,000, respectively.
Freshmen, on the other hand, must pay between N200,000 and N300,000 for all expenditures, which includes hostel lodging.
Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA) Postgraduate Acceptance Fee 2024/2025
All successful applicants in the Federal University of Technology (FUTA), Akure Postgraduate admissions exercise in the academic year 2024/2025 are required to pay a non-refundable Acceptance Fees of forty thousand nairas (N40,000) on the school portal.
- PG admission Form is N20,000
- Thesis Fee is N70,000
- Matriculation Gown is N2,500.
- Convocation Gown is N20,000
The goal of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) postgraduate school fees provided above is to aid you in proposing and budgeting for yourself. We’ve seen a lot of students who ran into unanticipated financial difficulties while in school, and the majority of them had to quit due to financial difficulties.
Always keep in mind that late payments will result in additional fees, and failure to pay the fees on time will result in the student being unable to sit for their semester examination.
I believe every Federal University of Technology, Akure student should not only know about their school fees, but they should also know some other things about the school as well. So here is the little thing about The Federal University of Technology Akure!
The university has nine Schools:
- School of Science (SOS)
- School of Earth and Mineral Sciences (SEMS)
- School of Environmental Technology (SET)
- School of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SEET)
- School of Agricultural and Agricultural Technology (SAAT)
- School of Management Technology (SMAT)
- School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS)
- School of Health and Health Technology (SHHT)
- School of Computing (SCOM)
School of Sciences
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- General Studies
- Mathematical Sciences
- Microbiology Physics and Statistics
School of Environmental Technology
- Architecture Building Technology
- Estate Management
- Industrial Design
- Quantity Surveying
- Urban & Regional Planning
- Surveying and Geoinformatics
- School of Management Technology
- Project Management Technology
- Transport Management Technology
- Library Management Technology
- Entrepreneurship Management Technology.
School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
- Agricultural Extension & Communication Technology
- Agricultural & Resource Economics
- Animal Production & Health
- Crop, Soil & Pest Management
- Fisheries & Aquaculture Technology
- Ecotourism & Wildlife Management
- Forestry & Wood Technology and Food Science & Technology
School of Engineering & Engineering Technology
- Agricultural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- School of Earth & Mineral Sciences
- Applied Geophysics
- Applied Geology
- Meteorology
- Marine Science & Technology
- Remote Sensing & Geoscience Information Systems.
If you have any opinion on the Federal University of Technology, Akure school fees details we wrote up there, kindly use the comment box. We are always open to your opinion!
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