Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta FUNAAB School Fees, FUNAAB School Fees for Veterinary Medicine, FUNAAB School Fees for Electrical/Electronics Engineering, FUNAAB School Fees Microbiology, FUNAAB Acceptance Fee, How to pay FUNAAB Acceptance Fee, FUNAAB School Fees for Biochemistry, FUNAAB School for both Freshers/New and Returning Students for the 2024/2025 Academic Session.
One of the most important thing to know about the institution you chose to study in is the School Fees schedule of that institution. It is very essential as it will make you prepare yourself for the financial expenses. By saying Financial expenses, I mean the charges like institution’s School Fees, Hostel Accommodation Fee, Acceptance Fee, Student Union charges, and other payable charges.
We believe that having sound knowledge of this information will help you plan how to raise this money so as to pay up on time. As you all know it’s much safer and cheaper to pay your fees on time or during the academic session. Failure to do this might force the institution to withdraw some service you enjoy or even prevent you from taking your exams.
Since you are here, I am assuming you are looking for FUNAAB School Fees 2024/2025 | New & Returning Students. Do not worry, you have found the right page. Here, we will give you the full detailed information on the FUNAAB School Fees for the 2024/2025 Academic session.
Rest assured, FUNAAB is among the Universities in Nigeria with cheap School Fees. The FUNAAB School fees is nothing compared to those of State Universities and private Universities.
Note, FUNAAB being one of the cheap Universities in Nigeria doesn’t have anything to do with their academic standard and excellence! In terms of Academic standards and excellence, they stand out!
The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) school fees for new and returning students for the 2024/2025 academic session has been released by the school management and authority, therefore all prospective students who were successful during the post UTME screening exercise and gained admission into Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) are advised to go through the school fees schedule below before payment of the fee.
Please note that the acceptance fee is to be paid first upon admission into FUNAAB as proof of acceptance of the provisional admission from JAMB. So, this brings the question, How much is the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta FUNAAB Acceptance Fee?
FUNAAB Acceptance Fee 2024/2025
Acceptance Fee is the first payment to be made by the newly admitted students to show that they have accepted the admission given to them. Failure to pay or pay on time may result in losing the admission.
This is to inform the newly admitted candidates that the management at the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta FUNAAB has released the amount to be paid for the acceptance fee.
The acceptance fee for the 2024/2025 academic session is a sum of Thirty thousand, seven hundred and fifty naira N30,750.
How to pay FUNAAB Acceptance Fee 2024/2025
Each admitted candidate is to pay an acceptance fee of Thirty Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifty Naira (N30,750) to the University TSA account by following the underlisted procedure.
1. Generate Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) by going to http://WWW.REMITA.NET
Click on “Pay a Biller”, and fill up all required information as follows:
- Who do you want to pay: Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB).
- Name of Service: Miscellaneous Income.
- GIFMIS Code: Ignore for now.
- Amount to Pay: Specify amount.
- Select Currency: NGN-Nigerian Naira.
- Payers Name: Student Full Name.
- Payers Phone: Student Phone Number.
- Payers Email: Student Email.
- How do you want to pay?: Select either Internet banking, Bank branch or MasterCard.
- Click I’m not a robot and confirm you are not.
- Then submit and print the Invoice.
2. Proceed to pay at any commercial bank or Microfinance bank OR visit http://www.remita.net to pay via your internet banking site or with your Debit/Credit Cards.
Admitted candidates shall be informed of the resumption arrangements of the university in due course.
FUNAAB School Fees 2024/2025 | New & Returning Students
So, without wasting much time, let’s get back to FUNAAB School Fees Schedule for the 2024/2025 Academic Session.
The table below itemizes FUNAAB School fees schedule for new and returning students for the 2024/2025 academic Session. The fees as seen in the table below includes Accommodation fee, ICT fee, library fee, acceptance fee and a host of other fees payable.
Prospective students are therefore advised to read through to get all vital information needed in paying their fees on time.
Late payment would attract extra charges and failure to pay the fees on time could lead to the student’s inability to seat for their semester examination as approved by the management of the institution.
RECOMMENDED: FUNAAB Cut-off Mark 2024/2025
FUNAAB Freshers/New students School Fees 2024/2025
All fresh/new students are advised to pay their tuition fees for the 2024/2025 academic session early to the designated banks as approved by the school management.
The table below shows the amount to be paid by the freshers;
Accounting | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Agricultural Administration | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Agricultural Engineering | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Animal Breeding and Genetics | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Animal Nutrition | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Animal Physiology | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Animal Production and Health Service | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Banking and Finance (Mgt) | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Biochemistry | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Biological Science(s) | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Business Enterprise Management | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Chemistry | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Civil Engineering | 30,750 | 42,000 | 72,750 |
Computer Science | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Crop Production | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Crop Protection | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Economics | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Electrical / Electronic Engineering | 30,750 | 42,000 | 72,750 |
Environmental Management And Toxicology | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Food Science and Technology | 30,750 | 42,000 | 72,750 |
Forestry And Wildlife Management | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Home Science and Management | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Horticulture | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Hospitality And Tourism Management | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Mathematics | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Mechanical Engineering | 30,750 | 42,000 | 72,750 |
Mechatronics Engineering | 30,750 | 42,000 | 72,750 |
Microbiology | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Nutrition and Dietetics | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Pasture and Range Management | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Physics | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Plant Breeding and Seed Technology | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Plant Physiology and Crop Production | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Soil Science and Land Management | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Soil Science Management | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Statistics | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Veterinary Medicine | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
Water Resources And Agrometeorology | 30,750 | 32,000 | 62,750 |
FUNAAB Returning Students School Fees 2024/2025
College | 200 LevelAmount Charge | Processing Charge | 300 Level and above Amount Charge | Processing Charge |
COLBIO | 20,250 | 800 | 18250 | 750 |
COLPHYS | 20,250 | 800 | 18250 | 750 |
COLAMRUD | 20,250 | 800 | 18250 | 750 |
COLFHEC | 20,250 | 800 | 18250 | 750 |
COLEM | 20,250 | 800 | 18250 | 750 |
COLPLANT | 20,250 | 800 | 18250 | 750 |
COLANIM | 20,250 | 800 | 18250 | 750 |
COLMAS | 20,250 | 800 | 18250 | 750 |
COLENG | 30,250 | 1,050 | 28250 | 1000 |
COLVET | 30,250 | 1,050 | 28250 | 1000 |
FUNAAB hostel accommodation Fees Schedule 2024/2025
The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta is widely known as FUNAAB has different hostels that house thousands of students. These accommodations make things easy for students as they can easily concentrate on their studies with little or no interruption.
Hoste Name | Amount |
Iyalode Tinubu (Female Hostel) – Old block | N18,090.00 |
Iyalode Tinubu (Female Hostel) – New block | N25,090.00 |
Marble (Female Hostel) | N30,090.00 |
Umar Kabir Hall (Male Hostel) – Old Block | N18,090.00 |
Umar Kabir Hall (Male Hostel) – New Block | N25,090.00 |
PG Female Hall – Iyalode Tinubu Hostel | N35,090.00 |
PG Male Hall – Umar Kabir Hostel | N35,090.00 |
Please note that the above fees might not be static but they should guide you towards how you should make your budget for this year’s hostel fee.
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Good day. My son was given admission for 2022/2023 Academic Session. But, as at today 18th April, 2023, haven paid all other fees, we are yet to be advised of the school fees.
Kindly let us know the school fees, and, pay promptly.