Auchi Poly School Fees for Regular Freshers and Returning Students For the 2024/2025 Academic Session

Auchi Poly is one of the best polytechnics in Nigeria. It is one of the first four Polytechnic in Nigeria. Also, it is one of the cheapest polytechnics in Nigeria but note that being one of the cheapest polytechnics in Nigeria doesn’t in any way make their academic standard of low quality!!! The Academic standard of Auchi Poly is excellent!
Are you an aspirant of Auchi Poly? Are you a fresher or are you a returning student of Auchi Poly? Are you a ND student, HND or Post-HND student at Auchi Polytechnic? And you are looking for the Auchi Polytechnic School Fees for ND, HND and Post-HND for the 2024/2025 academic session? Are you looking for the Auchi Poly school fees for the freshers/New Students and returning students for the 2024/2025 academic session?
If you fall into any of the categories mentioned above, then you are on the right page! Teezab will always give you the best and today will give you what you need to know about Auchi Poly school fees schedule for the 2024/2025 academic session.
The amounts to be paid as school fees by the freshers and returning students in ND, HND and post-HND students of the Auchi Polytechnic for the 2024/2025 academic session has been released. See Auchi poly school fees schedule below.
How Much is Auchi Poly school fees for freshers for the 2024/2025 Academic Session?
This is to inform all the ND, HND and Post-HND students of the Auchi Polytechnic that the management and Authority of the institution has published the amount to be paid as school fees for the 2024/2025 academic session.
Auchi Polytechnic School Fees for Freshers and Returning Students 2024/2025
Auchi Poly School Fees for ND1
Section A:
- Sport: N2,000
- Registration: N850
- Library: N500
- Caution: NIL
- LAB/Workshop: N3,000
- Certificate Verification: N2,000
- Student I.D Card: N1000
- Student Handbook: N1000
- Matriculation: N1,400
- Medical Service: N1,000
- Dossier: N600
- Graduation: NIL
- Prospectus/CD: N1000
- Examination: N3,800
- Medical Test: N500
- Sub Total: N18,650
Auchi Poly School Fees for ND1
Section B:
- SPORT – N2,000.00
- ICT LEVY – N5,000.00
- CEDAP FEE – N4,500.00
- ANTI-CULT FEE – N500.00
- TOTAL Section (A+B) – N32,650
Auchi Poly School Fees for ND2
Section A:
- Sport: N2,000
- Registration: N850
- Library: N500
- Caution: NIL
- LAB/Workshop: N4,000
- Certificate Verification: NIL
- Student I.D Card: N1000
- Student Handbook: NIL
- Matriculation: NIL
- Medical Service: N1,000
- Dossier: N600
- Graduation: N2,500
- Prospectus/CD: NIL
- Examination: N4,800
- Medical Test: N500
- Sub Total: N17,750
Auchi Poly School Fees for ND2
Section B:
- SPORT – N2,000.00
- ICT LEVY – N5,000.00
- CEDAP FEE – N4,500.00
- ANTI-CULT FEE – N500.00
- Section (A+B) Total: N29,050
Auchi Polytechnic School Fees for HND1
Section A:
- Sport: N2,000
- Registration: N850
- Library: N500
- Caution: NIL
- LAB/Workshop: N3,000
- Certificate Verification: N2,000
- Student I.D Card: N1000
- Student Handbook: N1000
- Matriculation: N1,400
- Medical Service: N1,000
- Dossier: N600
- Graduation: NIL
- Prospectus/CD: N1000
- Examination: N3,800
- Medical Test: N500
- Sub Total: N18,650
Auchi Poly School Fees for HND1
Section B:
- SPORT – N2,000.00
- ICT LEVY – N5,000.00
- CEDAP FEE – N4,500.00
- ANTI-CULT FEE – N500.00
- Section (A+B) Total – N32,650
Auchi Polytechnic School Fees for HND2
Section A:
- Sport: N2,000
- Registration: N850
- Library: N500
- Caution: NIL
- LAB/Workshop: N4,000
- Certificate Verification: NIL
- Student I.D Card: N1000
- Student Handbook: NIL
- Matriculation: NIL
- Medical Service: N1,000
- Dossier: N600
- Graduation: N2,500
- Prospectus/CD: NIL
- Examination: N4,800
- Medical Test: N500
- Sub Total: N17,750
Auchi Poly School Fees for HND2
Section B:
- SPORT – N2,000.00
- ICT LEVY – N5,000.00
- CEDAP FEE – N4,500.00
- ANTI-CULT FEE – N500.00
- Section (A+B) TOTAL – N29,750
Auchi Poly School Fees for Post-HND1
Section A:
- Sport: N3,000
- Registration: N9,000
- Library: N6,000
- Caution: NIL
- LAB/Workshop: N5,000
- Certificate Verification: N2,500
- Student I.D Card: N1000
- Student Handbook: NIL
- Matriculation: N2,000
- Medical Service: N4,000
- Dossier: N700
- Graduation: NIL
- Prospectus/CD: N2,000
- Examination: N5,500
- Medical Test: N500
- Sub Total: N41,200
Auchi Polytechnic School Fees for Post-HND1
Section B:
- SPORT – N3,000.00
- ICT LEVY – N5,000.00
- CEDAP FEE – N4,500.00
- ANTI-CULT FEE – N500.00
- Section (A+B) TOTAL – N56,200
Auchi Poly School Fees for Post-HND2
Section A:
- Sport: N3,000
- Registration: N9,000
- Library: N6,000
- Caution: NIL
- LAB/Workshop: N5,000
- Certificate Verification: N2,500
- Student I.D Card: N1000
- Student Handbook: NIL
- Matriculation: N2,000
- Medical Service: N4,000
- Dossier: N700
- Graduation: N2,500
- Prospectus/CD: N2,000
- Examination: N5,500
- Medical Test: N500
- Sub Total: N43,700
Auchi Polytechnic School Fees for Post-HND2
Section B:
- SPORT – N3,000.00
- ICT LEVY – N5,000.00
- CEDAP FEE – N4,500.00
- ANTI-CULT FEE – N500.00
- Section (A+B) TOTAL – N56,700
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ about Auchi Poly
Auchi Poly Acceptance Fee
Auchi poly acceptance fee is the first payment that must be paid to the institution to show that the candidate has accepted the admission. Failure to pay it will result in withdrawal of the admission!
How much is Auchi Poly Acceptance Fee
The management of Auchi Polytechnic has announced the amount to be paid by the freshers as Acceptance fee for the 2024/2025 Academic Session. Auchi Poly Acceptance Fee is a sum of N20,000.
Acceptance Fee payment deadline
Acceptance Fee payment usually spans for two weeks after the day candidate is given admission! Failure to pay it within the two week will result in withdrawal of the admission!
How To Pay Auchi Poly Acceptance Fee?
- Login to the portal ( now with your matriculation number and signup as a new user
- Click Generate RRR payment invoice (Remita Reference Number) that will carry both acceptance fee and administrative charges together.
- Take the RRR invoice to any bank and make payments or pay via the Internet (mobile banking) into Auchi Polytechnic TSA (Treasury Single Account).
- The bank will give the student an e-receipt that must be kept safely.
Note that NO PAYMENTS ARE DONE THROUGH WWW.REMITA.NET. Any student who makes payments there CANNOT PROCEED with Online Registration.
Is Auchi Poly federal or state?
Auchi Polytechnic is a Federal Polytechnic in Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. It is one of the first four Polytechnics established in Nigeria. It has over 10,000 students enrolled in business, technology, environmental and arts courses.
How much is Auchi Poly Hostel?
New Hostel – N50,000
Old Hostel – N10,000
Does Auchi Poly has hostel?
Yes, Auchi Poly has Hostel.
See how to pay Auchi Poly Hostel Fee below in the Related Post link
How to register for courses in Auchi Polytechnic?
- Login with your matriculation number again and verify if Remita has authorized your payment.
- On the student’s portal page that is opened Click on Register for 2024/2025 session
- Complete the Course Registration form with all necessary and correct details
- Click Submit and print out 2 copies of the Course Registration form.
Related Post;
- Auchi Poly School Fees 2024/2025 (ND, HND & Post-HND Students)
- Auchi Poly Admission List 2024/2025 [ND & HND]
- Auchi Poly Result Checker 2024/2025 | Regular & SPAT
- Auchi Poly Class List 2024/2025 [Regular & SPAT]
- Auchi Poly Hostel Accommodation Fee 2024/2025
- Auchi Poly Admission Requirements 2024/2025
- Auchi Poly Courses 2024/2025 & Requirements
- Auchi Poly Cut-Off Mark [All Courses] 2024/2025
- Auchi Poly Post UTME Form 2024/2025 | How to Apply
With this post, I hope I have answered every question you might have on Auchi Poly School Fees schedule 2024/2025!
If you have any questions, kindly drop it in the comment box below!
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Please how much is HÑD 2 (business admin ) total school fees and when is 2022/2023 first semester going to resume
Pls is the form for HND on sale now and how much can one obtain the form for HND? Thanks
Is direct entry allowed in ND 1
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How can I pay it directly to school account without going to the bank?
Because I’m short of cash
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