Obafemi Awolowo University courses

Undoubtedly, the Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU is one of the best schools in Nigeria with more than 90-degree programmes, faculties and institutes.
Below are the Obafemi Awolowo University OAU official and approved courses by the National Universities Commission (NUC)
List of courses and departments at Obafemi Awolowo University OAU
- Accountancy / Accounting
- Local Government Administration
- Public Administration
- Sociology and Anthropology
- Architecture
- Education and Language Arts
- Education Fine and Applied Arts
- Drama / Dramatic / Performing Arts
- Biochemistry
- Education And Biology
- Building
- Industrial Chemistry
- Education and Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Guidance And Counseling
- Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
- Economics
- Computer Science With Economics
- Education and Economics
- Agricultural Economics
- Adult Education
- Integrated Science / Mathematics Education
- Physical and Health Education
- Health Education
- Home Economics and Education
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical and Material Engineering
- Electrical / Electronic Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- OAU school fees for 2021/2022 academic session (freshers and returning students)
- OAU Cut-off mark for 2021/2022 screening exercise
- Agricultural Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Literature in English
- Entrepreneurship
- Family, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences
- French
- Education and French
- Surveying and Geo-Informatics
- Education and Geography
- Geography
- Geology
- Applied Geophysics
- German
- History
- Education And History
- Education And English Language
- English Language
- Linguistics and African Languages
- Law
- Linguistics
- Estate Management
- Educational Management
- Education and Mathematics
- Computer Science with Mathematics
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Microbiology
- Education and Music
- Music
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Education and Physics
- Education and Geography / Physics
- Physics
- Engineering Physics
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Portuguese
- Crop Production And Protection
- Psychology
- Medical Rehabilitation
- International Relations
- Political Science
- Soil Science
- Animal Science
- Nursing / Nursing Science
- Education and Integrated Science
- Education and Political Science
- Nutrition And Consumer Services
- Demography and Social Statistics
- Statistics
- Local Government Studies
- Education and Religious Studies
- Religious Studies
- Education and Social Studies
- Dentistry And Dental Surgery
- Medicine And Surgery
- Quantity Surveying
- Food Science And Technology
- Dentistry And Dental Technology
- Education and Yoruba
- Yoruba
- Zoology
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